-Art on Call Fine Art Award juried winner 2011-

"The techniques I use are watercolor, colored pencils, oil and gouache. The colored pencils have always been my favorite tool, although I have painted many watercolors and air-brush paintings through the years. My first model-painting "Emmy resting" is a good example of the mix between air-brushed gouache and colored pencils."
Born 1962, live and work in Karlstad, Sweden
Art-education: None (autodidact)
Background: 15 years as an advertising/product-illustrator and 3D-illustrator/animator.
Art -focus: photorealism / realism
Technique: watercolor, color pencil, oil and gouache
Published / Books:
- Spanish art-book Arte Libre Arte y Libertad IV
- International Dictionary of Artists 2011.- Artists Gone Global 2011 presents the winners of the competition Art On Call Awards 2011. Released in feb 2011
- My own book "StoneSplash - the making of" available at Blurb.com
- July 2008 Fowlerville Fair in Michigan, USA. Winner of "Best in show"
- Sep 2008 All Media Art Competition i Howell, USA Winner of "Best in show", "First place" and "Honorable mention"
- Sept 2009 All Media Art Competition i Howell, USA
--Winner in "Landscape", "Best of Show", "Peoples Choise" and "Artist of the year 2009"
--Second place in "Portrait"
- Sept 2009 A-Singular-Creation web-contest Winner in "People"
- Mars 2010 A-Singular-Creation web-contest Second place in "Action"
- Nov 2010 Winner of "Fine Art" in the contest Art On Call Awards 2011 with "Emmy Resting"
Member of:
KRO - The Swedish Artists National Organisation
IGOR - International Guild of Realism
Värmland Artist Association
Website: http://www.johanneswessmark.se/Art-about.html
Born 1962, live and work in Karlstad, Sweden
Art-education: None (autodidact)
Background: 15 years as an advertising/product-illustrator and 3D-illustrator/animator.
Art -focus: photorealism / realism
Technique: watercolor, color pencil, oil and gouache
Published / Books:
- Spanish art-book Arte Libre Arte y Libertad IV
- International Dictionary of Artists 2011.- Artists Gone Global 2011 presents the winners of the competition Art On Call Awards 2011. Released in feb 2011
- My own book "StoneSplash - the making of" available at Blurb.com
- July 2008 Fowlerville Fair in Michigan, USA. Winner of "Best in show"
- Sep 2008 All Media Art Competition i Howell, USA Winner of "Best in show", "First place" and "Honorable mention"
- Sept 2009 All Media Art Competition i Howell, USA
--Winner in "Landscape", "Best of Show", "Peoples Choise" and "Artist of the year 2009"
--Second place in "Portrait"
- Sept 2009 A-Singular-Creation web-contest Winner in "People"
- Mars 2010 A-Singular-Creation web-contest Second place in "Action"
- Nov 2010 Winner of "Fine Art" in the contest Art On Call Awards 2011 with "Emmy Resting"
Member of:
KRO - The Swedish Artists National Organisation
IGOR - International Guild of Realism
Värmland Artist Association
Website: http://www.johanneswessmark.se/Art-about.html
Winning artwork: "Emmy resting"

Medium: Airbrush and coloured pencil on paper
Dimensions: 100 x 70 cm
Dimensions: 100 x 70 cm